about us

blockshere is a guide to the crypto world created to simplify crypto specifics and make access to coins easier. The Stanbic Assets Family includes dedicated wallets for 100+ popular cryptocurrencies available on Android and iOS, as well as a Multi-currency wallet app with a web interface.

why choose us

Accelerating the world's economic evolution

Built-in exchange for 100+ different cryptocurrencies

Easy To Transact

Instant and fee-free transactions within blockshere.

Secured Transactions

Multi signature confirmation for each transaction

foolproof security

Multilevel encryption of transaction data

Cold Storage

Coins are held in a cold storage

no fear of loss

Free transfers between blockshere users

foolproof security

Track the exchange rate of your crypto with real-time price charts.

what we offer

buy or sell crypto currencies

BTC, ETH and 100+ other cryptocurrencies in one wallet available as an Android, iOS and web app.

coin Tracking

Track the exchange rate of your crypto with real-time price charts.

coin trading

Free transfers between blockshere users.

coin machine

Buy BTC, BCH, ETH, XRP, XLM, BNB, TRX and LTC using VISA or MasterCard. We also accept all major credit and debit cards, and some pre-paid and virtual cards.

New Era of Online financial Security

Since 2017, We Have Been Delivering Cutting Edge Solutions In Digital Assets. We Are Trusted By More That 2 Million People.

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